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The Actors stores the mapping of the supported actor types and their instances (address). This is updated by the gov module.

Actors are shared utility within the Abstract Account ecosystem. For example, the Plugin Registry is an actor that, through governance, provide a list of approved plugins that can be installed on the Proxy.


The Authenticators stores the mapping of the supported authenticator types and their instances (address). The authenticators that are available for the controller of the account Entity to use. This is updated by the gov module. Currently supporting Webauthn.


The SupportedProxies stores the KeySet of the supported proxy types and the code ID. This is updated by the gov module. Only supported proxies can be instantiated by this module.


Modified from larry0x x/abstractaccount > Params where AllowAllCodeIDs and AllowedCodeIDs are removed.

The module assumes the logic is always AllowAllCodeIDs = false.


The NextAccountID stores the next account ID to be used for the next account instantiation.


In the AnteHandler, if the tx only has one sender and this sender is an AbstractAccount, we store its address here. This way, in the PostHandler, we know whether to call the after_tx method.