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SD-JWT onchain verifier

This contract is IBC enabled and can query cheqd for resources such as the current issuer PubKey.

Key difference to SD-JWT

Supported signature algorithms

  • Only EdDSA is supported for now

Expiration Check

For sdjwt that has an expiration, instead of using the standard epoch time, for cosmwasm, we use the key crate::types::CW_EXPIRATION (cw_exp) as opposed to exp, which expects the value to be the serialised value of cw_util::Expiration. If the route requires expiration check, the caller must include, in their Criterion - Criterion::Expires(true)

Keys generation

The keys encoding should be ASN1

  • Keys generation for Ed25519 (we only support this key type for now)
openssl genpkey -algorithm ED25519 -out private.pem
openssl pkey -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem
  • For testing purposes you might want to import jsonwebtoken and josekit crates

  • Below you'll find some examples of parsing keys, using aforementioned crates, for further interactions

/// Is used to get an sdjwt issuer instance with some ed25519 predefined private key, read from a file
pub fn issuer() -> SDJWTIssuer {
let mut key_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
key_path = key_path.join("fixtures/test_ed25519_private.pem");
let encoding_key_pem = fs::read(key_path).unwrap();
let encodingkey = EncodingKey::from_ed_pem(&encoding_key_pem).unwrap();
SDJWTIssuer::new(encodingkey, Some("EdDSA".to_string()))

/// Is used to get an jwk public key instance from some ed25519 predefined private key, read from a file
pub fn issuer_jwk() -> josekit::jwk::Jwk {
let mut key_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
key_path = key_path.join("fixtures/test_ed25519_private.pem");
let encoding_key_pem = fs::read(key_path).unwrap();
let key_pair = josekit::jwk::alg::ed::EdKeyPair::from_pem(encoding_key_pem).unwrap();
println!("key_pair: {:#?}", key_pair);